Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The straight and narrow.....

It has been said that many will seek but few will find.   In Matthew 7:13-14 (NASB), Jesus tells us:

"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.   For the gate is small and the is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it."

He has also told us that there will be many who claim to know Him but will find themselves on the wrong side of the conversation when they cross over into eternity as evidenced in Luke 13:23-35 (NASB):
And someone said to Him, "Lord are there just a few who are being saved?"  And He said to them, "Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many I tell you will seek to enter but will not be able.   Once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying "Lord, open up to us!"   then He will answer and say to you, 'I do not know from where you are from.'
The more I read, study and search/reach out for truth, the more Christ's words above echo and ring true.   The sharper into focus what He meant about the way being narrow and it being easier for a camel to enter thru the eye of a needle become. 

Fact is, there is absolute truth and the way to that truth is very easy.  However, the path that has to be followed with that truth is, indeed, narrow.   In fact, many today will indicate that it is so narrow that it is excessively restrictive.   I would go so far as to say that several today would say that the truth is "intolerant." 

However, searching out and finding the truth is the most freedom that you will ever experience this side of Heaven. 

How can that be?   Consider for just a moment a simple balcony.    However, this balcony doesn't have any railing to keep you from falling off.   Would you be willing to go out on that balcony?   Would you let your kids go out and play on that same balcony?    Now, take that same balcony and add railing.   Now how do you feel about it?   I would imagine you will feel much safer about walking out on it or allowing your kids to play there. 

In a sense, life is the same way.   Without boundaries it is very easy to fall off one side or the other and become either seriously hurt or die.   Add some boundaries and things become much clearer. 

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